Ibero-American Judicial Summit

The Ibero-American Judicial Summit is a permanent multilateral forum that aims to promote dialogue, cooperation, agreement, and exchange of experiences amongst the Judicial Branches of 23 different countries from the Ibero-American region. The Summit brings together the Presidents of Supreme Courts and Tribunals, as well as the heads of the Judicial Councils from all 23 Ibero-American states. Its main objective is to strengthen the democratic rule of law by adopting common projects and strategies, with the utmost respect for cultural diversity and judicial independence.

Currently, the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice is one of the most active participants in the Ibero-American Judicial Summit since its inception in 2004. It has led and implemented several Permanent Structures, such as the Website for Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights (ESCER) Judgments, the Ibero-American Protocol for Legal Knowledgethe Ibero-American Judicial Statistics Plan . Furthermore, the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice is part of three permanent Standing Commissions: Coordination and Monitoring, Gender and Access to Justice, and Environmental Justice. Also, it coordinates two Work Groups: Judicial Independence and Access to Justice.